Anyway, coming down off a convention high - even one acquired vicariously through social networking sites - requires a gradual withdrawal. Yesterday's Sweets helped a little, but really, they were just too good. I need a visual sucker punch to knock me back into reality, you know?

And for that final cold blast of reality, this should fit the Bill:

I could probably end there, but frankly, this is too much fun.
First rule of cons: always pick a costume that's size-appropriate:

Second rule of cons: a lone mask does not a costume make.

Third rule of cons: Lace is never intimidating.

"Is it the doily? It is, isn't it? Hutt nuts, I told Palpatine no one would take me seriously in this thing."
And finally, the Na'vi Nazis are here to show us what happens when you mix your sci-fi references:

See, I told them not to open that ark. [shudder] Blech.
Thanks, Deborah, Laux, Shawn F., Tharry, Lizzy S., Julie Anne D., & Shanell C.! See y'all at Dragon*Con. ;)
Note from john: The first cake is supposed to be Iron Man. We think. Most likely. Probably. Okay I'm like 63% sure.
Nappy Blob Blob Katelynn!
Note from john: The first cake is supposed to be Iron Man. We think. Most likely. Probably. Okay I'm like 63% sure.
Nappy Blob Blob Katelynn!