Now, I know what you're thinking.
"Jim," you're thinking, because you've once again forgotten my name and now apparently my gender as well, "Jim, don't be so gosh durn silly." (You're also from the South.) "'Bairth' isn't even a word! So obviously NO baker would EVER...uh..."
Or how about this: you get a cake order for a little girl. She wants a bunch of little chocolate mice on the border, all surrounding one that 'mouse' written there? It kind of looks like 'mouse.' Definitely M-O-U-something. So, do you assume mouse? Or do you go with this?

Now you're thinking that this would never happen to you. "I'd write the order clearly!" you yell to the heavens. (Two words, dude: less coffee.) "Then I'd tape Post-it Notes to the order form showing them exactly where I want the text, so there's no WAY they can wreck it up!! Haha!"
Not bad, not bad. Sounds like a good plan.
What if they take your handy-dandy Post-its, copy them, and then paste them on the cake?
Aha! I see from your stunned expression that thought hadn't struck you yet.
Brace for impact.

That's Wreckerator: 3, Customer: 0.
Well played, Wreckerators. Well played.
Well played, Wreckerators. Well played.
Anna H., Helen, & Janice H., you might try asking for a Wreck. I've seen several of those wrecked into being a pretty decent-looking (and correctly spelled!) cake. It's like a wreck to the second power! Totally meta.