When it absolutely, positively has to be spelled out in living color:
My guess is ordering a cake with "Deaonerax" on it will always be wreckworthy...
And something tells me this customer may have been in arrears*:
(*arrears = "behind in paying money that is owed." *snort* *snicker* *giggle*)
Hey, ever wonder what goes down at the scene of a literal LOL? Well, thanks to Mel. B., reality show "star," now we know:
Thanks to Kendra C., Dea B., and Katie M., who, of all my Wreckporters, are literally the most recent.
**Also, a big "congrateralutaions" to Dana, who we *hope* responded in the affirmative to her main squeeze Greg's oh-so decent proposal this morning. Be sure to send us pics of your wedding cake, guys! :)