This is john, by the way.
So, let me just get my box of tissues and we'll do this thing. Starting with Jen's favorite:
The hand-painted shading here is amazing. And the animals are adorable. And the lion isn't eating the zebra or the giraffe. So it's a win-win-win.
This cake is slightly more realistic:
See how the monkey and giraffe cower in fear as the mighty tiger stalks his prey? Can you feel the tension? Can. You. FEEL IT?!?! No?
Maybe it's just me.
And now... sweet sleeping dragon!
And now... sweet sleeping dragon!
Awwww. Okay. *sniff* I'm all verklempt. *sniff* I promised myself I wouldn't cry...
[blowing nose]
Hey! Look! Pandas!
Preeeesenting, the sweetest giraffe ever!
Literally. I think the lack of neck really adds to the adorabletude, don't you?
And because I have an inordinate affection for tigers:
So. Cool. Jen says this reminds her of some Lisa Frank folders she had in middle school. Which she claims is a huge compliment. So there.
And you know what else has stripes? (I am the king of segues)
I'm digging the bow and the vintage 20's hair part. Just dandy!
And speaking of bows. (I'm on a roll!)
And get this: this is Aletha B.'s first cake. Yes, really! Mike, Duff, and Bronwen better watch out, 'cuz Aletha B.'s coming, and she's got a Cthulhu.
And speaking of... cake. (Okay, that one wasn't my best work.)
Adorable. And hip. Oh. Yeah.
Another of Jen's favorites:

And finally, for your viewing pleasure, allow me to present...
a unicorn with a comb-over:
a unicorn with a comb-over:
You're welcome.
Zooborns, one of our favorite so-cute-it-hurts websites, has given us two of their new books to give to two of you loyal wreckies!
One's for little kids:

And the other's for everyone else who likes cute:
UPDATE!!!! The random number generator hath spoken! The winners are:
GrammaR @ 2:20 PM for the first book and
Ai @ 8:51 PM for the second!
Please email your addresses to comments (at) so we can mail out your prizes. And thanks to everyone for your great comments!
Wreck On!
-john (the hubby of Jen)
Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.