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Sunday Sweets: Pretty As A Princess

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful Princess.

Submitted by Cathy & found at the 2010 Royal Adelaide Show; baker unknown.

...who had a rockin' carriage:

Sub'd by Shanna R., made by Jane Asher Party Cakes

...and three beautifully airbrushed Princess friends:

Sub'd by Jessica P., made by Maria Luisa Mijares Arte y Reposteria

(Seriously, how amazing is that painting? Gorgeous!)

I have to stop the story now, or else I may never get to this next fondant-free beauty:

By crazebake cakes and cupcakes

Ok, so she's not technically a Princess, but Tink and her forest cottage here are still royally awesome.

Now, clap your hands if you believe in eating fairies!!

Wait. I think that came out wrong.

Look at this cake! Isn't it neat?

Wouldn't you think our collection complete?

Well, it's not.

'Cuz I still have to show you this FABULOUS fishbowl design for The Princess and the Frog:

Submitted by CW Reader Kathryn L. and made by her daughter and niece.

I'm thinking of asking this cake to marry me. I hope John won't mind.

Next, a cutie-patooty mini-cake:

Sub'd by Tifany D., made by Cupcake Envy

This is the secret to non-creepy torso and clothing cakes, guys: no neck stumps. So long as it looks like it's hanging on a dress form, we're all good. Got that, bakers?

Now, I realize that Disney has the corner on the Princess market, but we geek girls will always have a special place in our hearts for Mario's Princess Peach:

Sub'd by Vin, made by Chica And Jo

And check it out: the blue gems are handmade hard candies! Power up!


By It's A Piece Of Cake

Or at least to incorporate most of the classics. Heh. Love the ruffles, and the bow, and the way you can easily recognize each princess (well, can't you?), and, ok, I pretty much love everything about this cake. Although I don't recognize the crown - maybe it's supposed to be kind of all-purpose? Or am I forgetting someone?

Well, the important thing to remember is how especially amazing these Sweets are when you compare them with these. [shudder] Yeah.


CCC Final Tally!

Hey, remember our charity countdown? Well, donations are still trickling in, but I figured it was high time to reveal the final tally! Ready? Ok, so, as of earlier this week, for all 12 days and charities together, you guys raised [drumroll, please] $24,859.60! Rock on, Wreckies!

However, I should point out there was a distinct downward trend: the first three days of the CCC each charity had over $3,000 donated, the next five or so, around $2,000, and after that, they just barely cleared $1,000 each.

Obviously we all were very busy, and many of us were away from our computers for the holiday, so this isn't surprising. Still, if you started off the countdown but weren't able to finish, please, feel free to catch up! All twelve donation pages are still live, and your dollars can still make a huge difference. Just go to the Cake Wrecks FirstGiving page to see the complete list, along with links to give a dollar to any you might have missed.

And thank you all again for your amazing generosity. John and I are proud beyond belief to count you among our loyal Wrecky henchpersons.

Now, back to conquering the world! If you please.

Update from john: Some people think the crown on the last one is Snow White's or the Evil Queen's. However, the Queen's didn't have rubies and, from what I can tell, Snow White's is a round diamond tiara. And I'm a large, scruffy man in construction clothes sitting at the computer researching Disney Princesses. Which is pretty darned cool. -j