Well, never fear! There are plenty of handy flotsam stand-ins lying around even the most basic of kitchens to save you from actually decorating any of your cakes! Just check out these double-duty doers:
- Styrofoam cups
[Image removed at baker's request. Check back sooner next time. ;)]
Add a few fake flowers snatched off your break room centerpiece, and voila! Instant flower vase!
Add a few fake flowers snatched off your break room centerpiece, and voila! Instant flower vase!
- The Dollar Store's Clearance Bin
Granted, you'll have to pop next door to Duffy's Dollar Doo-Dad Depot, but the options there are virtually limitless:
Granted, you'll have to pop next door to Duffy's Dollar Doo-Dad Depot, but the options there are virtually limitless:

Or, if your budget is tight, just raid
- your kid's toy chest:
'Course, if you want something edible, (spoilsport) you could always go with
- ice cream cones:

Or, for those extra special occasions,
- a dog bone: