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Sunday Sweets: Leaping Lego Lizards, Batman!

I've got a Geektastic Sunday Sweet for you this week: the cake made for the Lego Batman video game premier. These photos come from creator Elisa Strauss over at Confetti Cakes, who reports that the cake took her and her team 12 straight days to complete, and weighed in at nearly 300 pounds. Three hundred pounds, people! So, you ready to see it?

Here ya go: get a load of the Gotham goodness:

Yep, it's all cake - vanilla cake, chocolate cake, and red velvet cake, to be precise. Don't you just want to gnaw off that water tower? Or is that just me?

Let's move in for a closer look, shall we?

See, now this is the stuff you never notice from a distance: there's an oil slick puddle on the side, and the trash bags are even shiny!

I'm starting to see why this took 12 days...

The water towers are wood-grained, and the "stone" is even chipped in places. Wowza.

I know you're going to find this hard to believe ('cuz I sure did), but the figures are also completely edible. Honest.

Who wouldn't want the whole set on their desk, though? Kinda makes you wonder if anyone had the heart to eat them...

If you want to see more of Elisa's work, you're in luck: her new book Confetti Cakes for Kids comes out in just a few weeks. Her cover cake is "monstrously" appropriate for this month, too:

Cover photo courtesy of Ben Fink

Elisa, I'm pretty sure I've never wanted to hug a cake before now. Can I have this little guy in plush? Or at least a desktop figurine? Please?

Check out Elisa's book on Amazon here.

UPDATE: Click here to watch the Batman cake being made!