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Sometimes we look so hard for Wrecks we fail to see the forest for the trees, as it were. After all, it doesn't take crazy sculpted nonsense or illiterate scrawlings to make a Wreck; sometimes all you need is a healthy dose of what I like to call "the fugly":

For a baby shower, no less.

Green streaked nastiness AND a cupcake cake. Wow, Heather, you scored big.

Die, tie-dye! Die!
(You know, I bet a lot of you are going to like this one. Well, rest assured I won't be calling you a tasteless hippie if you do; I'll just give you one of my patented sardonic looks. Like this: [sardonic look]. Crippling, isn't it?)

I actually made something like this once. Of course, it was with finger paints, and I was three at the time, but still...

Amanda, Anne M., Elizabeth C., & Miranda C., I'm sure these cakes are all beautiful on the inside.

Ok, that's a lie. But I'd still eat them.


I think Mandy said this was a sports logo of some sort:

Which the bakery in question did a fantastic job recreating in CCC form:


[derisively] Ahahahahahah!

[snorting hiccup-turned-choke]

[coughing fit]
Ack ack ack!

[sound of water glugging]

[setting glass down] Ahem. Wow, who knew sarcastic sounds of [cough, cough] contempt could be so dangerous? Whew! Gonna have to dial back the maniacal laughter in the future.

What's that? The Wreck? Oh, well, Mandy, I gotta tell ya: Transporter malfunctions like these are why I prefer to travel by shuttlecraft.

Sunday Sweets: The Undead Wed

Alright, folks, here 'tis: the moment you've all been waiting for. I give you...

The right way.

Here's the only Tim Burton example I'm going to post, since I'm not sure Burton is "undead" enough for y'all.

James F. was the first to submit this loveliness, and as you can see it's from the one and only Pink Cake Box.

This next one may be more "bare bones", but I think it's rather classic:

Lynn H. actually sent this to me a looong time ago as a Wreck, but I liked it well enough to keep it stashed in the "Sweets" file ever since. It's from Craig's Cake Shop in Wisconsin.

I hear this next one was recently featured on the WE channel's Amazing Wedding Cakes:

It was made by Lauri Ditunno of Cake Alchemy, and Julie T. was the first of many to send it in.

I find this one particularly cool because I think that web was made using a new flexible icing product I saw at last year's ICES convention. You pipe it out as a runny icing, but once it dries it's like an edible rubber - you can pick it up, stretch it, etc. John and I had some fun at the product table playing with the stuff, but this is the first professional cake I've seen using it - assuming that's what it is, of course.

Sorry, sorry - geek out time over. Next!

I'm an art lover, so you know I have to feature at least one Day of the Dead cake:

Looove the colors! This was Janet S.'s wedding cake, and it was made by Kathy of Calamity Cakes.

Check out this dark beauty:

It took me a second to realize, but those tiers are actually coffin-shaped! See, I love that this is such a unique, gothically-inspired cake without being in-your-face. Also, this just might be my favorite Day of the Dead inspired topper ever:

And yes, it was custom-made: Carrie, the bride, wore a red gown and has purple and red hair. [sing-song voice] Gor-geous!!

This was submitted anonymously, but Mistress Carrie (she's a DJ for WAAF in Boston) was kind enough to e-mail me recently with more details. The cake was made by Something Sweet by Michelle, and the custom topper by Skellramics.

Here's another red, black & white gem:

Sabrina found it here, and it's made by Rosebud Bakery. Thanks to all of you in the comments who helped track it down!

And you know I always save my favorite for last, right? Here ya go:

Honestly, I think I'm in love with this cake. Who knew a skull topper with a spider on it could be that adorable? And I love the soft colors, the airbrushing, the purplish black roses - it's really all quite exquisite. What's even better is that this was made by the author of the blog Pumpkin And Spice for her advanced cakes class - she's still in culinary school! Many thanks to Meghan L. for finding it.

Breaking News: Heeeere's Bobby!

Ok, all you guys who kept insisting the Popped-Eyes Sailor Blobs were actually Bob from Monsters-VS-Aliens, listen up.

Bob is blue.

Bob has one eye.


Well, he looks like this:

"Yo homies! I'm bringing blobby back!"

This is the "official" Bob cake, made by Sugar Butter Flour and served at DreamWorks yesterday to celebrate the movie's release. Fortunately Jessica G.'s hubby works there, which is why we get to share in the gelatinous joy.

Speaking of gelatinous, though, wouldn't it have been awesome if they'd made him completely out of Jello? Sure, I'd rather eat cake, too, but Bompass & Parr (creators of the infamous burger-on-a-donut) have some nifty "Jelly" creations, some of which even glow in the dark:

Cool, huh? Plus, slap an eyeball on that sucker and you've got yourself a Bob!

Heck, now I'm inspired to go make some blue jello mounds with eyeballs. Then I'll bring them to the IMAX theater, and chuck 'em at the candy-wrapper-crinkling, seat-kicking, cell-phone-answering, talking-the-ENTIRE-TIME pests who sit behind me. "Who's 3D now, jerk-faces? Huh? HUH? SHWA-POW! Bob in the face!"

Hm, maybe John's right. Maybe I'm not ready for the movie theater again yet.

Oh, and before anyone gives me grief, this is just Cake News, mmkay? Not Wrecks; Cake News.

UPDATE: Just learned from SuperPunch that Bob also visited the DreamWork's campus "in the flesh," as it were. Check out pics here.

Celebrating A Different Kind Of V Day

NOTE: this post contains material somewhat "adult" in nature.

I recently saw on Neatorama that "Tough Times are Good for Vasectomies". Apparently the current economic rough patch has more and more folks turning to the "cheapest form of permanent birth control".

So in addition to an increase in sales of frozen peas, I guess this means we'll also be seeing less of these:

And more of these:

I think my favorite part on this one is the random sombrero: like the doctor would come in, consult his clipboard, and say, "Ok, Mr. Smith, I am going to need you to remove all your clothes... but feel free to keep that bitchin' sombrero on."

And on a personal note, my hubby John would like to remind all of you fellas out there that the ol' snip-snip is only the cheapest form of birth control if you do it without general anesthesia, which, according to him, "would totally have been worth the extra two grand".

[eye roll] Men. A little scrotum-puncturing and tube-cauterizing and they turn into such babies.

Liz P., Michael W., & Jessica G., Ole!

Note: The "We have a runner" cake is by the fabulous Cakeworks - be sure to check their site for more hilarious designs.

Romance is Dead

Look, I don't want to come across as some non-happening, behind-the-times, totally square fuss pot*, but...

Wassup with all the undead wedding cakes?

Creepy-crawly bugs and tongue-kissing skeletons, oh my!

You'd think you'd only see something like this for a Halloween wedding - if ever - but zombie mania is infecting the masses, and like a gnawed off limb, it sure ain't pretty.

Ok, so that was a massive understatement. Bleeeech.

You don't need fancy tier cakes to pull off a "deadly" wedding theme, though. And if you can't afford the tongue-kissing skeleton topper, well hey, that's just what the good Lord invented edible photo paper for!

Yes, I am cheating a little here; this is actually just the groom's cake, not the wedding cake.

This is the wedding cake:

As if the toe tags, "Til Death" inscription and creepy "last embrace" foot positioning weren't enough, I think that's supposed to be ashes sprinkled down the sides. Perhaps this is the happy couples' way of telling their families they prefer cremation?

Guys, I'm telling you, if you want to gross your guests out do it the old fashioned way: by ordering a fruit filling and letting it sit out too long:

Voila! Bleeding cake!

Kathy T., Christine K., Anony M., and Manny & Jennifer S., thanks for the killer finds.

Alright, guys, you tell me: am I coming down too hard on undead wedding cakes? Have you seen a zombie/skeleton/vampire one done well? Then send it to me at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com, and maybe I'll feature it this Sunday.

*Particularly since I already did such a good job of that last Thursday.

UPDATE: To all the complainers in the comments: guys, lighten up. You really think I'm hating on goths because I think these cakes are Wrecks? Gimme a break! Wait'll you see this Sunday's selections, and *then* tell me I'm a goth-hater, ok? I'll show you how the undead look should be done.

Related Wreckage: Spooktacular Wedding Cakes

Do These Taste Chewy to You?

I think I've let the Star Wars fervor sparked by the awesomeness that was the Vader Baby Shower cake and Yoda's Stint in Cake Decorating die down long enough. Now it's time to visit the other side of the spectrum, where we will delve into the true mysteries of the galaxy, and ask the one question every brave soul must answer before continuing on his or her quest to become a true Jedi:

"Chewbacca? Is that you?"

Of course this question is often made more difficult by Chewy's striking resemblance to Big Foot:

His mixed lineage of both Ewok and Muppet ancestry:

Dirty Muppets, I might add.

And his constant, never-ending battle with constipation:

"Dude, what did I say about having 12 cheese burritos for dinner? Huh?"

Tanita S., Sarah S., & Kaye B., I know this is old news, but have you seen the Wookiee model nightstand? All the scruffy-looking Nerf herders have them.

UPDATE: You guys continue to amaze me with your awesomeness. Madalina, creator of the Constipated Chewy, wrote in to tell me she's NOT a professional baker - so that's a definite my bad - but that she's fine with it remaining here. "I still get a laugh looking at it," she wrote, "and hope that it makes other people laugh too!" Thanks, Madalina, and may I say it's my hope that someday ALL bakers have your grace and good humor?

And as for the rest of you: Be sure to check out Madalina's blog Duh-Licious and show her some love, k?

Have a Ball!

It's your birthday! Have a ball!

No, seriously. Have a ball:

"Look at all the extra care the baker took in crafting this lovely...round...spherical...ball-like thing for your birthday! That random capitalization and uncrossed 't' really add to the post-modernistic feel, too, don't you think?

"Plus, the pink dots add [jazz hands] pizazz!"

Angie C, you spin me right 'round.

Such Deers

It's becoming as "classic" (ie cliche) as the red-velvet armadillo cake, and yet guys still want dead Bambi for their groom's cake. Go fig.

Yeah, yeah, guys, I get it: you want your cake to show some personality, reflect your interests, and ideally gross-out the in-laws. But really, a giant dead animal on your wedding day? Really? This must be another time when my plumbing prevents me from grasping the intricacies of the male mind.

At least this one's still showing some signs of life:

Well, as much as the baker, anyway. (Ah, candid photos, how we loathe thee.)

Oh no, but look! He's sinking into the Swamps of Sadness! Fight against the sadness, Artax! Don't let it get to you! Just because you're about to be carved up and served on camouflage-print paper plates is no reason to get all down in the dumps! Artaaaaax!!

[sniffle] Sorry. I hate that part of the movie.

Ok, where were we? Oh, right, at the economy section:

Sure, it doesn't feed many people, but then no one will want to eat it anyway. See? A win-win. Plus, mad props to the garnisher; those green spriggy bits are really classing the joint up.

Of course if we've learned anything here on CW, it's that a green & purple party hat can make everything allll better:

(By the fabulous Tara of Tara's Cakes, who has an equally fabulous sense of humor.)

Like so.

I know we shouldn't look a gift deer in the mouth, but those buck teeth* are cracking me up. I can almost hear him saying, "Gawrsh! Why don't you carve yourself a slice? Ahuck!"

Still, I'll take goofy over spooky any day. And I'm not sure there's a chipper enough party hat in all the world to uncreepify this guy:

Sure, he's smiling, but that smile never quite reaches his eyes, you know? And he won't stop staring, like he knows something I don't.

Hey, you lookin' at me, punk? Yeah? Well quit your smirking,
or I'll break your antlers off!

Oh, I'm sorry; I see someone already did. Huh. That had to hurt. Well, never mind.

Lauren S., Laura M., Erin C., Kaylee K., & Anony M. you sure know how to rack 'em.

*Get it? "Buck" teeth? Hah, that was the crowning touch, wasn't it?

Related Wreckage: You Say 'Redneck' Like it's a Bad Thing

Sunday Sweets: Like Buttah

Buttercream icing, that is.

Yep, here's another fondant-free installment for you purists out there. I've got nothing against fondant per se, but I do agree that all-icing decorations are much yummier. Besides, it's nice to see what cake artists can come up with when they're limited to non-fondant options.

First up, Alison B. of Town Lake Cakes certainly knows where the wild things are:

Alison, will you tell us your secret to drawing such perfect characters? I'm guessing you used either a stencil or possibly hand-drawn chocolate transfers - am I close? Of course, whatever you used, I love the result.

Speaking of love, I am gaga for the bright colors and glass-smooth icing on this Abby Cadabby cake Shelly M. got for her daughter's birthday:

Isn't it adorable? And you'd really never know it wasn't fondant, the lines are so clean. The bakers over at The Cake Stand in McKinney, Texas clearly have some mad skilz.

You know how we're always getting down on grocery-store decorators? Well believe it or not, not all of them are illiterate goofballs; some of them are real artists. And a few of these artists are determined to change my mind on the horror of CCCs. Yeah, like that's gonna happen. [eye roll]

However, I will grudgingly admit that this Squidward CCC is darn impressive:

The decorator in question whipped this up for a customer on the spot at the grocery store where s/he works, but asked to remain anonymous. For those of you not up on your Sponge Bob characters, here's a reference shot of Squidward:

Nice, huh? Or at least, it looks like him. ;)

And lastly, Jody H.'s creation - also a Cupcake Cake, and also all buttercream - is flatly astounding:

Wait, wait, wait. A CCC...with airbrushing... and it's NOT a WRECK?!? I think my head may implode: clearly we've entered some kind of parallel universe here.

Oh, and if you don't recognize Jose, the famous "Jalapeno on a Steeck", watch this:
(Note to moms: vid includes mild language.)

Or As I Like to Call it, "The School of Hard Knocks"

As instructive as marriage can be, maybe we should be celebrating our "anniversities".

Today's lesson:
Cleaning Up Cat Vomit
And Other Things that Turn Women Off, But For Some Reason Not Men.

Lisa, I hear there's a hairball treatment for that.

Shirking my Shirtly Duties

I know, I know: it's been forever since I posted a new shirt design. And obviously you all are just wasting away from a lack of proper Wreckwear selection. Sorry. I've been writing Cake Wrecks the book, and with a mid-April deadline it's all I can do to keep the daily posts coming some days. (Excuses, excuses...)

Well anyway, here's a quickie for ya. After the surprising popularity of the Sailor Blobs yesterday, I whipped up this little number:

Which I think is pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself. It also looks great on a white t-shirt, which you can see here, or on yellow or lime*.

I posted the design here and not the shirt view because the text is hard to see clearly over on Zazzle. Check the store for other goodies, and let me know if you'd like to see something there that isn't.

And as always, if you have a Cake Wrecks shirt design you want me to feature, e-mail it to me! If I use it, I'll link to your store or site both on Zazzle and here on the blog.

Thanks, all! Wreck on!

*As with everything on Zazzle, you can change the shirt's color and style by clicking "select a different shirt style" in the upper right-hand corner of the product page.

First Impressions

My issues with baby shower cakes are well-documented. And while I don't plan to have kids myself, I know that the whole if/when/how many thing on the kid-front is a huge, life-changing decision.

So on behalf of myself and childless women everywhere, I'd just like to say the following.

Attention Baby Shower Cake Creators:
You're SO Not Helping.

Seriously, would YOU want to give birth after seeing this cake?

Helen S., I can't tell if that's mom's front or backside, but either way I think I'd be shoving the sucker back in.

Not that showing the (anatomically) correct egress is any better, though:

Egads! I've heard of childbirth making your legs feel all rubbery, Greg C., but this is just ridiculous. Plus, I thought that the First Censored Cake Wreck would dissuade this kind of thing. Well hellooo, backfire!

I mean it, ladies: stop with the fondant genitalia on shower cakes already! Yeesh, it's bad enough seeing it in all of your "Check Out this Hi-LAR-ious Wreck from Master Bakers!" e-mails. [shudder] Nightmares, folks: I have them*.

Now, if you really want to give me a little pick-me-up (IF ya know whadda mean) why not send over some Trekkie goodness of the Vulcan variety? Or heck, I'll even take McCoy - or Sheppard or McKay, while we're on the geek streak. Just make sure they're tastefully done. So, you know, in lots of chocolate. [eyebrow waggle]

*Speaking of which, if you're not subscribed to my Twitter feed you missed out on some ripe hilarity of the "Jen's-too-naive-to-know-what-this-naughty-word-means" yesterday. Check it out, if you dare....

UPDATE: Hey, commenters! If you're referencing my Twitter debacle, please don't use the "naughty" word, ok? A lot of kids read this site, and we don't need them Googling it. Thanks!

They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha Haa!

Ho ho, heehee, haha, they're coming to take me away!!!

I'm not sure what these things are supposed to be, but they've been popping up at bakeries all across the U.S. lately. Could the carrot jockeys have some competition on their hands?

"Soon, your race of sugar-craving giant sloths shall be OURS. Thaaat's right, we're cute, aren't we? You want to take us hooome, and show us all your financial staaaatements."

These guys are going less for "cute" and more for "mortal terror":

"The claaaaaw! The claw will choose who will go, who will stay, and who will have his or her face rearranged."

Look, they even have a naval division:

"We're Popped-Eyes, the sailor blobs,
We're Popped-Eyes, the sailor blobs,
You won't want to finish,
'Cuz we taste like spinach,
We're Popped-Eyes the sailor blobs!"

Nancy H., Bridget D., Siiri L. & Heather K., I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats. Really.

(Now we get to find out which of you were around in the 60s. Let the age-determining comments begin!)

UPDATE: The general consensus seems to be these are "frog cakes". More info here.

UPDATE UPDATE: No, they're not supposed to be Bob from Monsters vs Aliens. What, you think I would miss a kids' movie tie-in? Give me a little credit, eh?

Carrot Jockeys Make Excellent Ground Troops

I make no bones about my bid for Wrecky World Domination, and I think you'll all agree that Cake Wrecks is an excellent model for government. [insert joke about Wrecky administrations here]

Anyway, I can tell my evil plan is working, in part, by the number of Carrot Jockeys successfully infiltrating society at large. Here are just a few of the NMBCJ sitings I've had reported:

Here they are flying/gallivanting in classic carrot formation through Mallory H.'s home...

Spreading spelling errors in Ann S.'s...

Terrorizing Jennifer and Krista in their "stealth CCC" mode...

Circling up for a little Jockey powwow over at Maggie H.'s...

And even easing the pain of "workforce reduction" over at Ryan J.'s.*

You know how ELSE I can tell my bid for Wrecky World Domination is working? By winning all three Bloggies Cake Wrecks was nominated for at the Ninth Annual Weblog Awards on Monday. That's right, my loyal wrecky henchpersons, thanks to you Cake Wrecks is "officially" the Best New Blog, Best Writing of a Blog, and Best Food Blog** of 2008. Woot woot!

Next stop: Disneyland. That's right; I shall not rest until I've ridden the Matterhorn enough times to make myself physically ill. And that, my friends, is a campaign promise. [nodding seriously]

*In case you're wondering what that is, Ryan explains "We had trouble finding anything like the babies from the infamous cake screw-up, so we used a rubber fetus we had laying around. Don't ask me why we have a rubber fetus hanging around." Roger on that, Ryan; I won't ask.

** As sweet as victory is, the fact is I've never considered CW a "Food Blog", and feel undeserving each time an award site places it in that category. So allow me to to give a shout-out to the other, more appropriate, nominees in that category. If you like to cook, or even to just read about people who do, check them out:

Chocolate & Zucchini

The Pioneer Woman Cooks (Also the winner of Best Blog of the Year. If you haven't already, go see what all the buzz is about. )

Smitten Kitchen

Bakerella (The one, the only.)