And here I thought Ireland was just a country of rainbows, shamrocks, and lilting-voiced innocents frolicking through the fields. You know, because like every good American I make it a point to base all of my stereotypes on popular breakfast cereals.
This is one instance where the packaging hugely overshadows the cake itself. I especially like the font choice: it's like they were going for "suggestive" and ended up at "crazy deformity" instead. And despite the "busty" claim, this is actually a pretty tame cake. Here submitter Rachel S. and friends set up a comparison shot:

Well, Cute Overload has Cats 'n' Racks: I guess now we have Cakes 'n' Racks. (And no, you may not start sending in candidates for the new category, ladies, no matter how clever you think your new cupcake holder is. We have standards here, doncha know.)