This order was for a "black high heel":

Specifying punctuation is always tricky:

Although I suppose if Aunt flashed Mom that would liven up the party, and it's certainly preferable to Aunt slashing Mom.
(Ok, this one is tricky, I know: the order was for Aunt/Mom - a slash, in other words.)
Here we have a beautifully done blue horse. Unfortunately, it was supposed to be a blue house.

If your message is "Philip...Woohoo!", and you actually have to say the words "dot dot dot", be prepared for just about anything.
And of course these never get old:

Although interestingly enough, I think that icing IS light pink. I guess the decorator was covering all her bases.
Which brings me to our new category: "Literal LOLs". These are some of my favorite kinds of Wrecks, so keep an eye out, Wreckporters!
Thanks to Danielle M., Stefanie D., Rachel S., Michael T., and Chandra.