"Welcome to Magical Cake Magic! Allow me to show you some of our creations."

"First we have Mr. Bony-Hips the cat. Isn't he just the cutest as he stalks his prey?"

“What do you mean that’s unappetizing? Well then, how about the ‘Castle Warfare’ cake? We put in red and orange gumballs to simulate the severed heads. Also, we construct 50% of the cake from paper towel and toilet paper rolls so your little ones are assured plenty of fiber.
“Hey, where are you going? Don’t you want to place an order? I haven’t even shown you our ‘Teddy Bear Drowning in a Jacuzzi’ model!”

"Or the 'Birthday Sarcophagus' and 'Noah Saves the Rare 2-Headed Giraffe'!"

"Ok, well, I can see you have to rush off now, but be sure and remember us for your next occasion!"
Thanks again to Greg H.!