Ok, I think yesterday's post was getting a little Wreck-less there, what with the cute
dreadlocked spiders and all. Sorry. Here, this should help:

One smashed spider extraordinaire, coming up! Don't you just love those bloated little legs, the pimply red dots, and how they moved him after air-brushing the board? Oh, and just to mess with your sense of perspective: that red thing above the eyes is not another
unibrow; it's his mouth.
I'll give you a moment to reorient yourself. (My ear hit my shoulder the first time, too.)
Now brace yourself, because next up is the most frightening Spider wreck I have ever seen.

Tell me that doesn't look like a demon-possessed
Mr. Snuffleupagus from Sesame Street. Remember

That's truly terrifying, people. What next, a zombie Micky Mouse? Stop messing with my childhood icons!
Now, I'm told these cookie decorations are supposed to look like spiders on their webs:

But I'm pretty sure they're squashed ants on target boards.
C'mon, four legs? How lazy are these decorators getting?
Of course, some err in the other direction:

That's 10 legs on the guy on the right. I'm also wondering if these spider puff balls are solid icing, '
cuz if they are then I couldn't think of a more appropriate inscription.
Thanks Caycee H., Shawn A., Kayla B., and Vanessa C.!