The most
wreckiness, that is.

The label says "The 'Boo' Cake", but it looks more like a "boo-
hoo" cake - that, or "when ghosts scream". I guess this is why ghosts shouldn't wear mascara, huh? (Get it? Ma-SCARE-a?)
Some say 'carpe diem' (seize the day) and others say 'carpe jugular' (seize the throat). I'm guessing these cupcakes are more the latter:

Huh - I've never seen ghosts with claws before.

The ghost on the left looks like a cheerleader with pom-poms. The ghost on the right looks...uh...[noting kids in the room] ....cheerful. Yeah. Like, giving you his full attention kind of cheerful.

These teeny-tiny "cupcake" creations are almost as bad as Cupcake Cakes. Not only do the bakeries leave the paper wrapper on the cupcake, but they also pile on enough icing to make even the most die-hard sugar addict develop a facial tic.
As for this particular Wreck, I have just three words: "albino squid mouth". And "ick". Ok, so maybe four words.
Thanks to Barbara A., Susan G., Heather A., and Punketta D.