Here's a report sent in from the front lines by
brave Wreckporter Mrs. Tantrum:
I wanted to let you know that I attempted this morning to discreetly take a photo of a spider cupcake wreck at my local [name removed to prevent possible lynching]
store with my phone. Apparently the bakery manager and store manager are on to the Cake Wreck Blog, because I was shouted at by both of them "NO PHOTOGRAPHING OF THE CAKES!" I told them I was sending the photo to my husband to see if it was the one he wanted for the party today, they replied "No you aren't, you're going to send it to that
cake wreck blog like everyone else
YES!! The power! The absolute power! The universe is mine to command, to CONTROOOL!![picking self off floor] Whoops - sorry 'bout that, Mrs. Tantrum; just took a little power trip there.
SO... anybody else get the spider-wreck photo? :)