Fellow Cake lovers, I've come to a crisis of conscience.
You all know my
stance on cupcake-cakes, and it's a stance that I thought nothing, no matter how delightfully sugar-encrusted, could change.
Wreckporter Iliea S. sent me this photo:
And I have to admit, my friends, I am torn. Torn, like an old sweater! You see, yes, this is a cupcake cake. Yes, it is that crime-against-nature shade of blue, destined to stain, well, everything. By all rights I should treat this "cake" with contempt and move on.
And yet... and yet...
I LIKE IT! I really do! I think the googly eyes are adorable! I even caught myself fantasizing about making this for John's birthday in a few weeks!
There, I said it. [shifty eyes] Now I feel like I need to go to cake confession or something.
Ah, but this post wouldn't be a complete without a Wreck, would it? So if I can't bring myself to label the above
CCC a Wreck, I'll just have to go with...
This one!
Woohoo! Now, here the world has returned to its natural order, '
cuz this sucker is as
Wrecktastic as
CCCs come. Are those side wings supposed to be jowls, or arms? Huh. [head tilt] Well, considering there are cookies impaled in them, I'm going to have to guess 'arms'.
Now, those cookies in the middle - are those supposed to be lips, or is Cookie Monster just choking to death? I mean, overall he does kind of have that death-throes look about him, doesn't he? Still, I wouldn't even want to guess what the white icing in the middle is supposed to be - teeth? Foam? (
And while I'm at it, I really should throw these guys in:
It's a whole host of choking cookie monsters! And Kate S., I DO see the difference, I really do.
And look at this: apparently there are lots of decorators out there who have bad childhood memories of Mr. Monster:
Not only do these guys have a pleading look of terror on their faces, they also have their mouths stitched...open? Wait, that can't be right. What is that, then, a mustache? Oh, and would you please get a load of the icing to cupcake ratio? I mean,
Sonya G., did you put them out of their misery?