Not long ago I told you all about a
Wreckporter who was foiled in her attempt to photograph a
spider Wreck. Since then many of you have sent in photos asking, "Was this it?". Of course I have no way of knowing, so we'll just have to ask Mrs. Tantrum. So, hey, Mrs. Tantrum, was this it?

For what it's worth, this one isn't TOO bad. Other than the fact that the legs are sprouting out of its face like whiskers, of course. And all that black frosting. And the disturbingly
ambivalent mouth expression. And the fact that it's a
CCC. Yep, not bad at all.
In fact, from what I've seen that is actually the most popular style of spider cake out there. Here are some more colorful models:

This one at least has its face in the right place (always a good thing), but I'm not sure what's going on in the mouth area. Plus, that Haunted gingerbread kit in the background is pure
Wrecky gravy.
I would be remiss if I didn't include the steamrolled model:

Plus, yellow? Really? This looks more like a colorful dust mite, or maybe an alien brain with tubing attached, but a spider? No way.
Or how about this guy - or should I say 'girl'?

Sure, she looks more like a
muppet with dreadlocks and a bald-spot than a spider, but she's so gosh-darn
Speaking of dreadlocks...
Cha mon,
dese be some
hoppy Rasta spiders! They be
jammin'. And really, have you ever seen pipe cleaners look so delicious?
Alyss H.,
Rebecca S., Valerie S., Katie M., and Tina F., tune in tomorrow for the terrifying conclusion to...
dum dum da dummm] The Spider Wreck Chronicles.