You know how local morning shows always have chefs or bakers on to do little demonstrations and whatnot? And how those visiting guests always bring a little treat for the hosts and crew? Well, here's what one such visiting bakery brought to the station where
Wreckporter Hayley E. works:
It's like a mixed media collage of
cakedom! Seriously, this cake has it all:
fun-house-mirror photos, airbrushing, fondant "hair" (don't miss the guy's!),
a buttercream border, and sufficient excuse to call the show hosts "fat heads" for at
least a week or so. (Oh, did I mention those are the hosts?)
Of course, it could also be used as the poster-cake for the call to ban edible image printing. Really, who thought technology that allows you to eat people's photos was a good idea? It always ends up looking rather creepy.
Or, in this case, gross:
Mmmm, now
there's an appetizing composition. I bet all of Karissa's relatives were SO proud. And full. As in, "no-really-I-couldn't-eat-another-bite" full.