Minas Tirith is one of the more popular LOTR cake themes. Beth A. was the first to submit this one:
I think this was displayed at a fair somewhere, and yep, it's cake. Amazing, huh?
Here's another angle, courtesy of Erin M:

A lot of folks have pics of this cake in their Flickr accounts, but I'm not sure who actually made it. Y'all let me know in the comments if you have a site for the baker, ok?
The One Ring is also a hugely popular motif. Here's my favorite of the ones submitted, also found by Beth A.:
The One Ring is also a hugely popular motif. Here's my favorite of the ones submitted, also found by Beth A.:
Since a lot of you have requested more fondant-free Sweets, check out this one of Bilbo & Frodo's home in the Shire:
Thanks to Michelle F. for submitting it. The creator is Cakeworks of Calgary.
Of course, not everything in Middle Earth is pretty, as Deanna T. shows us:

But let's end on a pretty note: check out this gorgeous Minas Tirith wedding cake Tara B. found:
Thanks to all the rest of you who submitted photos! Remember, if you have a cake you'd like to nominate as a Sweet, send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.