What, that doesn't sound so bad? Then allow me to introduce a new Wreck series: Caped Catastrophes. Today's first lucky victim? The Bat Man himself.

Here Bat Boy rides out of a plastic drain-pipe on a magma slick in glorious celebration of "Brian Day". Um, are those things on the side supposed to be bats, Clarissa D.?
Then there's the continuing drama between Batman and the Batmobile:
I agree that the door in the brick wall is a little odd, Ashley W., but what I really want to know is how the Batmobile can leave a cloud of snow-white exhaust shaped like a hibiscus flower. These Bat gadgets - they just get cooler every year, don't they?
Fortunately Judith C. reports that 'man and 'mobile appear to have made up here:
Christal W. found the best toy-to-cake ratio out there:

([sigh] Again, yes, it's "professional". I checked the site and everything. C'mon, a little credit here?)
Now remember, kids: crime doesn't pay. Right, Batman?

But you know, all these cakes are totally cheating: they each use plastic Batman figurines! Why aren't decorators actually drawing the caped crusader?

[shifty eyes] Um, and can I just say that that's an unfortunately appropriate placement of the "pp"?
Aaaand I'm done.
Have a superhero Wreck you've been meaning to send me? Then send it in soon; I'll be continuing the Caped Catastrophes theme over the next few weeks.