It has come to my attention that there's a bit of controversy brewing over at The Weblog Awards in regards to the number of votes Cake Wrecks is receiving there. Why? Well, I think this has something to do with it:

Yes, within mere hours of my post asking you to vote, Wrecks was catapulted into a hefty lead as thousands of you did exactly that. However, what I see as an outpouring of loving support from you loyal readers others see as possible fraud. Apparently there are those who find it hard to believe that a goofy cake blog could garner such support - so much so that there is now a discussion on TWA's boards where accusations are flying hot n' heavy. (Although I must say that TWA moderator Sean is handling it extremely well.)
Now, personally this little "issue" doesn't bother me. I know that about 48,000 of you read this blog every single work day, and since The Weblog Awards allows you to vote once a day those numbers are not unreasonable. However, my darling, dear husband is, shall we say, "affronted". He seems to see this as a point of honor which must be defended. How? By doing it again, of course!
That's right, so in case you haven't already, please, for the sake of my dear affronted hubby John, go vote again for Cake Wrecks. Let's show those negative-Nancy-nincompoops that it doesn't take a hacker or automated scamming whichydoodles to get a landslide victory at The Weblog Awards; it just take a kick-a$$ blog audience. This is the last day of voting, so let's go out with a bang, shall we?
To kick a$$, CLICK HERE.
Oh, and not to beat a dead horse or anything, but could one of you nominate Wrecks in the more appropriate category of "best humor blog" or "best new blog" over at the Bloggies? Nominations close today at 10pm EST. Thanks!