I can see that I'm going to have to be a
lot more specific with Sunday Sweet Assignments: giving you guys free rein on the Fantasy theme has resulted in hundreds (and hundreds) of submissions. Don't get me wrong: I LOVE that you guys are responding so, er,
enthusiastically, but I'm going to have to narrow down the criteria in the future.
Since I've got so much good stuff to share with you, I'm going to break it up into categories. Today's feature will be dragons and unicorns. Tune in next week for Fairies & Castles.
First and foremost, here's a flat-out AMAZING dragon from - who else? -
Mike's Amazing Cakes:

You can tell this is for role-playing gamers by the
corn dogs and
mozzarella sticks in the background. Come to think of it, all this shin-dig is missing are some Hot Pockets! [cue
Jim Gaffigan bit]
Here's another angle:
(Thanks to Christine C. and Sarah, who were among the first of billions to send these in. Check here for more shots and pics of the cake being cut.)Next we have an equally impressive Unicorn and Fairy Combo from Sandra of
Sugar Fun:

Visit Sandra's site to see in-process photos.
(Laura N. was the first to send this one. Thanks, Laura!)
Next, in the "so-cute-it-hurts" category from Richard's Cakes, we have a dragon...in a tutu:

So obviously when I say "I'm drawing the line at tutus" I mean "unless they're
stinkin' adorable". Everybody got that?
And lastly, Julie W. found a not-so-great photo of a truly great cake:
Arg, my kingdom for decent lighting! Still, if you can look past the blinding flash and shadows, you'll see this is a gorgeous replica of the famous "Unicorn in Captivity" tapestry:

The floral work is exquisite, and I love the little tree. It was made by
Magda's Cake Creations, and if you visit the link you'll see a few other angles there.
And let me close with another great dragon cake. Uh, let's see, first I have to
choose one... (this is torture, guys; you sent in so many good ones!)
Ok, here, let's go with Kenya S.'s find:

I love that color. According to creator
Shoshannah84 over on Deviant Art, it was inspired by Anne
McCaffrey's Dragon Riders. Nice!
Thanks so much, everyone! Feel free to continue sending in fantasy cakes, but particularly fairy and/or castle cakes for next Sunday.