Well, it's officially Turkey Day. A day of food and fun for us, sure, but you know who gets the short end of the stick?
Ok, well, mostly the turkeys - but turkey
cakes, now, they're also bidding us a fond farewell today. Their time in the sun, as it were, is over. Here to comment are some Turkey Cakes. Guys, your thoughts?

"Turkey cakes?
Turkey cakes?!? Dude, I'm the
frickin' NBC mascot; don't you recognize a peacock when you see one?"

"Uh, I'm pretty sure I'm just an
anthropomorphized version of the Statue of Liberty's crown, not a turkey. Sorry."

"Don't look at me! I'm just a cuter version of this guy:"

"Hey ho! Over here!"

"I'm a turkey
cookie, does that count? Anyway, I'd just like to know why I have all these cranberries stuffed in my mouth. See
y'all next year!
Turkeys rule!! Woo-

I for one have a bone to pick with my decorator. Jen, would you kindly post some pictures of a turkey and a chicken here?
"Thank you. Ok, now, decorators: look at the heads of those birds. Which of them do I look like to you? Yeah, that's right: a CHICKEN. Is this any way to treat a self-respecting turkey cake? Is it?!?"

"Oh, quit your griping. At least you're not crammed into last year's Valentine cake tin."

"Yeah, or torn limb from limb. Are those my wings behind me? '
Cuz I think they're on fire."

"Well, bye everyone! [sniffle] See you next year!"
Stephani N., Lee G., Blaze B., Jessica H., Colette S., Stacey M., Katje S., & Adrian K., "gobble gobble". (That's turkey for "So long, and thanks for all the Wrecks".)