Er, turkey cakes, I mean. Yeah.
I'm not sure who is more confused: me or the decorator who made this:

Of course, then there's the turkey who's already been extinguished [smirk]:
(That's a brownie, not a cake. Pretty soon bakeries are going to start "decorating" our loaves of bread, if we're not careful.)
Unless you're eating at a restaurant at the end of the universe, I'm pretty sure your food should never talk to you - much less advocate your imbibing its flesh. Yech.
Then again:
Maybe it's worse when the thing is pleading with you NOT to eat it.
"Thing" being the operative word here, since this looks like the result of craft time at the local preschool. All it's missing is a construction paper hand-tracing for a tail, and maybe a bunch of glitter.
(Hey, now, put that glitter down, Wreckerators; I didn't mean to give you any ideas!)
Thanks to Jessi W., Jocelyn M., Delielah R., and Bonnie B.!