Thank you.
I will now field questions.
You there - yes, you - go ahead. Eh? Where did this cake pop up? I believe Wreckporter Carol Ann G. spotted it at her local supermarket. Yes, she is quite the Wreck stalker these days.
Sorry, your voice is a bit husky - what did you say? Oh, WHY did they make an ear of corn cake? Aw, shucks, how should I know? Maybe they just cobbled it together at the last minute.
Yes, Colonel? You had a question? No? Well, stop frittering away my time, then! Sheesh.
Hey, why are you all groaning? Don't try to butter me up, now: I know these puns are corny, but they're not THAT bad.
By my count that's 11. Happy punting (aka pun-hunting)!