First up, a hilariously cute design by Jen Privitera of Kitty Gogo:

Phil DeJarnett of came up with two great designs:

I think I'm going to offer the "underneat that" one on an apron as well as a shirt, if for no other reason than so I can order one. :)
Rebecca Bridge of Glitter Bubbles jewelry immortalized our most dangerous Wreck to date:

And here's what I came up with in my "free" time:
Simple, classic, and also available as a baby's onesie. What more could you ask for? (Don't answer that. It was rhetorical.)
Click on any of the designs above to go to the Zazzle store. Also, FYI: all the shirts are available in both men's and women's styles: just click "select a different shirt style" on the product description page. Most of them are also available as magnets. Plus, right now Zazzle is offering free shipping on all orders over $45, so be sure to stock up!
Have a great shirt/magnet/bumper sticker idea? E-mail me!