I got a real kick out of these cakes and their descriptions, found by Louise L.:

Ah, I love capitalism. Let's see...do I want Change We Need, or do I put Country First? Decisions, decisions.
I do like how the decorator made both candidates look better than they do in real life, but someone should probably let him/her know that it's '08, not 08'. (Yes, I'm being nit-picky, but y'all would just berate me in the comments section if I didn't mention it.)
Oh, and check out how this bakery is hedging its bets:

I really can't decide which one is worse; both cakes have the same 08' mistake and overly squished "congratulations". Of course, that "c" in McCain looks like it was tacked on as an afterthought, but then again Obama's cake got two of the least American flag-looking flags I've ever seen. Hmm - yeah, I think I'll call it a draw. (And no, there will not be a recount on that.)
Hey, you know what I think of when I see Obama & Biden? Cupcakes. Yep. Totally. Fortunately, Nikki B. has got me covered:

Well, happy voting, everyone! Oh, and please, no politics in the comment section, eh? I'm sure we're all about politic'd out (off?) by now.