Some people would have you believe that bakeries should update their
window display cakes at least once a year or so. To this I say "
pish tosh"! Why, check out these stellar examples, still
sellin' the goods 10, even 15 years after they were made!

Wow, I don't know about you guys, but I am just
itching for some cake right now. Or maybe just itching. Is that blood? Sweet!
(And before you ask, yes, I DO feel rather silly for censoring plastic boobs. Happy?)

Ah, nothing captures the essence of celebration quite like crumbling moldy icing and decapitated clown heads, am I right or am I right? Those customers will be pouring in any second now, I'm sure.
Or how about this one, sure to entice all the would-be brides out there:

Just ignore that fly on the top tier; he's been stuck there for a few weeks now, so we're pretty sure he's dead. Oh, and the flowers?

We call that color "perfect patina". It was inspired by the rusting water pipes in our basement. The dust really completes the look, don't you think?
Here's another one for the happy couple on their Big Day:
Ok, so the bride and groom's eyes have melted down their faces, and his hand has made a break for it down his leg. (
Heh - "made a break for it") Even so, I have no doubt that the overall design of the bride huffily facing away from the groom and with her bags packed down below is a top seller.
UPDATE: Some of you have asked if all of these came from the same bakery. Nope! This lovely assortment represents *three* separate bakeries, and I believe all of them were open for business at the time. Ain't it great?
Thanks to Wreckporters Extraordinaire Monique R. and Melissa J.!