1) Ice the cake, and
2) sell it.
See, actually decorating a cake requires time and effort, and therefore is discouraged where possible. To help bakers achieve this lofty goal, a few enterprising companies (we're not naming any names here....except for that one in the title, of course) are manufacturing all-inclusive instant "decorating" kits.
Here's an example:

Cute, huh? As you can see, plastic is SO in right now. Not only does it save on frosting, but it also allows anyone with the skills of a semi-trained monkey to "decorate" a cake. It's foolproof! All you need is a rounded lump frosted brown, and you're good to go - just stick the plastic bits in! Who could possibly mess that up?
Alright, Wreckerators, now you've actually got me curious: Can you possibly make this look any worse?
Now how about something for the cat lovers haters out there?
From this...
From this...

- Related Wreckage: Going to the Dogs