Some of you know that Jen and I are currently
geeking out at the biggest geek fest in the south, Dragon*Con. (For the 98.6 percent of you who read this blog but are not, in the strictest sense of the word, "geeks", Dragon*Con is a convention where the majority of the attendees could tell you, without hesitation, the complete works of Joss Whedon and how Jar Jar Binks single-handedly destroyed Lucas' credibility. But, I digress.
This week, we're going to broaden your horizons with something so geeky that even
I know nothing about it: World of
Warcraft. Apparently, this is a "game" where "players" spend untold thousands of hours walking around and killing things and otherwise forfeiting what was left of their "lives." To do this, I asked Jen's brother Ben, who is himself a recovering
WoW addict, to help decipher these cakes. So let's get started, shall we?
Our first cake is a laptop with a screen-shot of a member of the Horde called the
Tauren shaman. We think that the book cake under it says "Shaman for Dummies."
And here's another angle:

"Gold farming" is a term loosely defined as selling imaginary money for real money. Kind of like the stock market, only dominated by Chinese corporations.
(Okay, exactly like the stock market.)This next one is actually awesome even if you know nothing about
WoW. Since I went through the effort of finding out, however, I might as well share. She is an Alliance Paladin. Or maybe a warrior. Do you feel more educated? Moving on then...
Here we have a bunch of well-made boxes with a chest on top. The only real
WoW reference is the red banner with the Horde symbol. I get the impression that everybody who plays
WoW is in the Horde (the bad guys) and that the Alliance (the good guys) are all "
noobs," or geeks of lesser standing (as determined by those who
really are in no position to judge). Got all that?
now we're cooking with gas. This is a shield which has been emblazoned with the symbol for - say it with me - the Horde. Nice
woodgraining though.
And finally, we have a cake based on one of the most popular places in the game, the bank in
Ogrimmar, the capital city of the Horde.
(Submitted by Jennifer E. and made by Eden Cakes.)For reference, here's a screen shot of the building in the game:

On a side note, see those
itty bitty game people with the colorful words over their heads? Those are your IT guys, your Microsoft employees, and your computer repair people. In short, the folks who keep the
internets running and,
thusly, control the world. So be nice to them, or someday, when you least expect it, you just might find yourself
barred from Facebook. And
then what will you do?
Call somebody?
A big thanks to Ben, logger of untold hours in Horde-y land, for finally putting all that knowledge to good use. (Just kidding, Ben! We all know nothing good comes from the Horde.)- Similar Sweets: Star Wars