I was immediately ensconced in a back room where, single-handedly, I signed 350 books in just one hour. As super powers go I realize that's not terribly impressive, but I take what I can get. :) (The folks at Powell's are awesome, too. Thanks, guys!)
Then John and I got to do the fun stuff: our slide show presentation and talk with the crowd. For those of you who weren't able to be there, Becky B. was kind enough to send in some audience perspective pics:
But enough of that. Wanna see the CAKES?
Of course you do. Here ya go:
I couldn't be too upset, though, because they also brought this:

The Western Culinary Institute students provided this:

And this:
And finally, Jessica from Black Sheep Bakery provided the vegan chocolate cake, which I think was one of the first to go:
Next: the cupcake Wreck-plicas! Here's our grand prize winner, made by Elizabeth:

I'll be posting pics from Third Place Books in Seattle very soon. Stay tuned!
Many thanks to Elizabeth of Artisan Cake Company, our grand prize winner, for allowing me to use her Wreckplica photos. (John and I were so frazzled that we neglected to take our own. Oops!)