Ahoy, ye mangy landlubbers! Do ye not know what today is?
Oh, ye be wanting a hint, do ye?

Blimey, that poop deck makes it clear as bilge water, aye? It's International Talk Like A Pirate Day,

Now, how many doubloons am I offered for this winsome wench? Ye
did ask for the redhead, did ye not?
What else could ye be wanting, ye scurvy dogs?
P'raps...some scurvy dogs?

Skull and crossbones me arse: Those be the Dread Pirate Scotties!
Avast, every Buccaneer needs a shipshape Man O' War, savvy?

Blow me down, what
hornswagglery is this? The bilge-sucking scallywag responsible must be found, hung from the yardarm, keelhauled, and then made to walk the plank!
OR...we could let the
Kraken send him down to Davy Jones' locker:

Aye, me hearties; dead men fell no sails.
Allison F., Mandy R., Alana F., Suzanne B., & Laura G., I've never been to Boston in the fall. How 'bout you?- Related Wreckage: Dead Men May Tell No Tales, But Wrecked Cakes Sure Do