"No, dear, it will not be fine; now it looks like we're hosting a baby funeral!
"Hm? Well, what about your cupcakes? How are they supposed to help?"
"Well, what did you expect me to say?!? Yes, I think everyone will 'get the visual', dear. That's the problem.
"Because it's gross, that's why!
"Now look, I need you to go back to the bakery - are you listening to me? - I need you to go back to the bakery, and get another cake. And remember: We are preparing for a new life. Happy, cheerful, life. We are avoiding death, mmkay? Got that? Good. Now hurry up; the party starts in an hour."

Dylan B., Angie F., & Meghan E., I'm told that cupcake is vegan. Anyone else find that ironic?
And speaking of which, if you live in Utah and are imagining all the events you could liven up with some gourmet vegan fetus-cupcakes, then you can order them here. (Uh, I don't think they call them fetus-cupcakes, though. And please don't tell them I sent you. Heh.)
- Related Wreckage: You Say Goodbye, and I Say Hello