Hmm, something seems a little different here on Cake Wrecks today, doesn't it?
Yep, behold the glory of our brand new site design! Thanks for the many lovely comments so far; I do hope you'll all find it more streamlined and purty-like.
Shout-out time: many MANY thanks to Awesome Aric
(yes, I think that's how I shall refer to him from now on) of
Tiki Kitchen Design. Aric has been working with me and John for
weeks now, and for every "hey, what if we tried THIS?" he gave us multiple options and somehow managed to mask his desire to throttle us with unbridled patience and enthusiasm. Those of you familiar with web design know just how difficult it is to design a customized site in Blogger, so the fact that Aric was willing to try - and had the skills to write code from the ground up when necessary - has been a godsend. We'll be continuing to tweak some of the links and pages this week, but in the meantime y'all be sure to thank Aric in true CW fashion, k?

And, Aric?
We mean that. Truly. ;)
Update: It seems we have all the bugs worked out now but we're hoping you guys can help us out by telling us about any problems you encounter. Let us know okay?