
Although now that I'm looking at these things, I do see a problem: There are only red and white donut holes. No blue! Don't think I don't see what's going on here, either. That's right, Canada: I'm watching you.
Those are rather generic for Patriot Day, though, don't you think? Can we get something a little more...I dunno, holiday-specific?
Oh yes, they did. The twin towers...on a cupcake cake. (Patooie!) Wow. And...fireworks? Um. Ohhh kaaay. (Let the debate begin, again!)
Right, maybe we should head back into the generic territory:
to work out with teensy little dumbbells. Or turn that frown upside down - twice. Or maybe just enroll in an art class. (Uncle Sam can be a little hard to understand sometimes.)
Hm. Look, there has to be a middle ground between donut holes and icing depictions of the towers, right? How about just a nice, uplifting, appropriately-worded sentiment?

Well, that IS pretty memorable.
Thanks to Cari, Megan, & Jolly D., who are all "unfogetable."
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