Let's kick things off with a zesty selection of grilling poo, shall we?
And speaking of flaming piles of...er, flames...how about some Smores?
Sometimes John and I worry that we eat take-out just a little too much. It's nice to know we're not the only ones, though:

And lastly, I'd like to share my very own Cake Wrecks Wreck-cipe:
Step 1) Find a dropped cake that is beyond all hope of repair. (Alternatively, you can substitute a cake you dropped yourself.)
Step 2) Pipe a giant pink tube of icing down the middle of the cracked cake.
Step 3) Add sprinkles (Because everyone wants sprinkles.)
See? Now that's a recipe I think I can handle.
Check out my interview with Erin Zimmer, where we talk about cakey controversies, other bloggers, and more, here.
Thanks to Amie A., Mel W., Brantly S., & Amy G.!
- Related Wreckage: Mixed Grill
"World" Tour Reminder: Hey, Orlando! Don't forget to come see me and John tonight at 5pm. Details are in the right sidebar. Hope to see y'all there!
Check out my interview with Erin Zimmer, where we talk about cakey controversies, other bloggers, and more, here.
Thanks to Amie A., Mel W., Brantly S., & Amy G.!
- Related Wreckage: Mixed Grill
"World" Tour Reminder: Hey, Orlando! Don't forget to come see me and John tonight at 5pm. Details are in the right sidebar. Hope to see y'all there!